Checkout Problems

Problem completing checkout?

If you have items in your cart, but are unable to proceed to the checkout page, the issue is most likely  linked to a bad cookie.  You should be able to fix the issue by logging out and clearing your internet cookies and session data and restarting your internet browser. 


If clearing your cookies didn't fix the problem, you should look at the following as well:

Address Mismatch:

Check to see if you have an address mismatch. To check, please contact your credit card company to verify the address you have on file with them. Then log back in and go to your Account page (tab at the top) and then use the "Change My Address" tool and make sure that your current address with us exactly matches what your credit card company is showing. mceclipcheckout1.png


Credit / Debit Card Rejection:

If you can't check out using a credit / debit card and have already verified the address, you might want to try paying through PayPal with "Guest Checkout".  That will allow you to use your card through PayPal without needing to have a PayPal account. PayPal seems to be able to accept a far wider variety of cards than we can directly. Just choose the PayPal option at checkout and then click on Checkout as Guest":mceclipcheckout2.png


Still running into problems? Please try the following:

  • Check your system clock and if it isn't correct you will need to set it to the correct time and date.
  • Our system can occasionally have problems with very large orders as well.  Our cart limit is 75 line items (though you can have more than one copy of each).  If you have more than 75 individual products in your cart, we suggest moving some over to your wishlist and then you can try checking out with fewer products in your cart.




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